Best Tips for Hair Growth

Are you feeling stuck when it comes to your hair? Will it just not grow even though you feel like you’ve done all the things? I’ve been there. You’re not alone.

But, I do have good news for you! I have been on a hair healing journey after having Brynleigh and I’m going to share with you some of my best tips and tricks for hair growth. By following these tips I have not only been able to actually grow my hair but my dandruff is practically gone, my hair is thicker and it’s overall healthier with added inches.

This is my hair in only a 5 months difference with a trim (and hair color change) in between them! This is July 2023 to December 2023. My hair has more volume, shinier and overall length and density … just from making a few switches in my hair care routine.

Best Tips for Hair Growth

  • Shampoo twice

  • Weekly oil treatments

  • Daily scalp massage

  • Drink more water

  • Use less heat

  • Daily thickening serum

  • Brush your hair from ends to root

  • Custom & clean hair regime

Why do these tips make a difference?

SHAMPOO TWICE: This is a game changer in actually getting your hair clean. Think of your first shampoo as sweeping your floors and your second shampoo as mopping. One gets rid of all the dirt on your floors and the other actually cleans. When you start doing this, you’ll notice that your first shampoo doesn’t lather up much at all. Then your second shampoo is lots of lathering and you can actually feel your scalp getting clean. When shampooing, always focus on your scalp and not your ends!

WEEKLY OIL TREATMENTS: This is a non-negotiable. Weekly oil treatments allow your scalp pH to balance out so that your scalp is healthy & thriving. You can read more about the oil I use here.

DAILY SCALP MASSAGE: I consider part of mu self-care “me time”. You can use your fingers or a tool. But, a daily scalp massage opens up your hair follicles for growth and they absorb your products so much better.

DRINK MORE WATER: This is obvious. Drinking more water daily makes so many things better with your body, skin, hair, energy .. literally everything. I like to drink 2 of my Stanley cups a day.

USE LESS HEAT: I love love love heartless curls. Using less heat on my hair has helped to heal my ends that we’re breaking so badly. Now I use heat 1-2 times a week and always always use heat protectant.

DAILY THICKENING SERUM: If you don’t have a daily thickening serum, take this as your sign to get one. Here’s the one I love and swear by. The one I use is Innovative, lightweight, non-greasy serum immediately reduces breakage, reduces hair fall, and shows noticeable results of thicker, fuller- looking hair.

BRUSH YOUR HAIR FROM ENDS TO ROOT: By practicing this simple tip, you’ll reduce your hair breakage! Your hair is most fragile when wet so this is especially important after hair washing days.

USE A CLEAN, CUSTOM HAIR REGIME: Not all scalps and hair are the same so we shouldn’t all be using the same products. Follow all the tips above paired with a custom routine for YOU and you’ll have your best hair in no time. If you’d like a hair consult, take this hair quiz here and I’ll reach out in 24-48 hours with a custom hair regime that is just for you and your hair goals.

Which of these tips did you not know & are excited to implement? Let me know in the comments below.

xo, Leigh


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