How To Create Your Own Digital Product in 30 Days

Have you been wanting to dive into the world of digital marketing and sell digital products for another stream of income? Well, it’s possible to do it in 30 days or less. It’s much simpler than you probably think.

Here’s a timeline of the steps you’d need to take to launch your own product in 30 days (or less):

Days 1-5 Research & Planning

  • Choose a topic

  • Identify your target audience

  • Outline your content

  • Set your goals

Days 6-20: Writing, Editing & Designing

  • Write out your product

  • Edit for spelling & grammar

  • Format your product ( I love Canva )

Days 21-25: Prep for Launch

  • Create your waitlist & get people into your email campaigns

  • Set up your sales/landing page

  • Set up whichever platform you’re going to sale through

Days 26-30: Promote & Launch

  • Keep sharing on socials to build your waitlist

  • Launch to your waitlist & then launch to the public

After day 30, create content with CTA’s to point to your product. Don’t forget to start marketing on Pinterest, too. Pinterest is FREE & organic marketing.

So, what kind of digital product are you going to create?

If you need a more in-depth guide, check my Idea to Profit Guide & if you want to learn how to sell your digital products on Pinterest, check out this guide.


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